Visits to Mary Jakubowski

The last time I saw Mary Jakubowski; she asked me to bring her mail up from the Senior Citizens’ apartment complex in New Jersey, where she resided. As usual, Mary gave me envelopes to be sent out. She barely made ends meet on her Social Security check, but there was always money for her favorite […]
Almost Lent

It’s almost Ash Wednesday, the time when Catholics begin their Lenten journey of self-reflection and repentance. The war in Ukraine is highlighting the need to go inward most especially this year, with acts of penance and fasting. Pope Francis has called for all people, including non-Catholics, to pray and fast for peace. He broke tradition […]
In Memoriam

Beloved Friend Walter, it’s been ten years since You left this earth to receive Your Heavenly Reward. I remember You Fondly and miss all the happy, funny, and wonderful moments that we shared as Friends. I also miss the comfort and sage advice that You gave me during the hard times of my life. You […]
Trips to the Five and Dime

The local five and dime store was a wonder to me when, as a child, my mother would take my brother, Greg, and me there after school. The toy department held charms that would dazzle kids. Sparkling gems in multicolored hues were displayed on the counters, so appealing to girls who would buy their first […]
Trips to the Grotto

On that fateful morning of February 11, 1858, little Bernadette Soubirous had no idea that her life would be changed forever. She accompanied her sister, Toinette, and her friend, Jeanne Abadie, nicknamed “Baloum,” to gather firewood at a dump. They went in search of it while Bernadette stayed behind. There she encountered a beautiful lady […]
Make Your Mother Smile

In Latin, the rosary means, “garland of roses.” The rose is associated with the Blessed Mother, and some people pray at the beginning of it, “May we place these roses so gently at our Mother’s feet and tell her that we love her.” Many Catholics already make this a daily devotion, but I would like […]
Adoration Before the Blessed Sacrament

Next to attending Holy Mass and receiving Jesus in Holy Communion, it is a devout practice to make trips to your church to pray to Him. This can be done on weekdays when parishes are open after Mass for adoration. It’s a wonderful experience to come before the Lord and spend time with Him. You […]
Blossoms and Crowns for One So Fair

During the month of May, dedicated to Mary, our Mother, many Catholic parishes and schools have May Crownings in her honor. This was something I looked forward to as a child every lovely Spring as flowers bloomed and birds sang. The sky took on that gorgeous shade of blue which is the color often associated […]
The Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The month of May ends with a fitting tribute on the Church calendar. The last day of May is the feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is also the second mystery of the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary. One can only imagine how Mary must have felt 2,000 years ago. First, […]
Buying Time

It was raining the first day of my husband’s chemotherapy. November had spread its gloom upon us, brown leaves scrunched under our feet as we made our way to the car. Rain pelted the windshield wipers that splattered drops as we drove silently to the Cancer Care Center. I wondered what awaited us during his […]