My Blogs and Articles

Here are the expanded and detailed blogs based on the themes of
Promises to Theresa :

Visits to Mary Jakubowski

Visits to Mary Jakubowski

The last time I saw Mary Jakubowski; she asked me to bring her mail…

Almost Lent

Almost Lent

It’s almost Ash Wednesday, the time when Catholics begin their Lenten journey of self-reflection…

In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Beloved Friend Walter, it’s been ten years since You left this earth to receive…

Trips to the Five and Dime

Trips to the Five and…

The local five and dime store was a wonder to me when, as a…

Trips to the Grotto

Trips to the Grotto

On that fateful morning of February 11, 1858, little Bernadette Soubirous had no idea…

Make Your Mother Smile

Make Your Mother Smile

In Latin, the rosary means, “garland of roses.” The rose is associated with the…

Adoration Before the Blessed Sacrament

Adoration Before the Blessed Sacrament

Next to attending Holy Mass and receiving Jesus in Holy Communion, it is a…

Blossoms and Crowns for One So Fair

Blossoms and Crowns for One…

During the month of May, dedicated to Mary, our Mother, many Catholic parishes and…

The Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Feast of the Visitation…

The month of May ends with a fitting tribute on the Church calendar. The…

Buying Time

Buying Time

It was raining the first day of my husband’s chemotherapy. November had spread its…